This FAQ section is created to provide a better understanding
to hymnchtv users on the application features and observed behaviour. This section
will continuously be updated as inputs are feedback from hymnchtv users.
hymnchtv UI desgin & Implementation
hymnchtv UI design & Implementation
[20241005] Hymnchtv debug version installation
{ Content }
You may obtain a copy of the latest hymnchtv debug apk for your personal evaluation from the directory:
The lastest release at the time of this online help update is:
Please note that the debug apk contains a different signature from the release apk.
Android OS will prompt you to uninstall the existing app if any, before you can install the debug apk with a
different signature. Both versions support auto-update function, prompting the user if there is a new release.
Warning: Please perform the following before you uninstall the existing app if any; otherwise you may loose
all the media url and file links information previously saved in the database; although all the media contents
in the Download/hymnchtv directly are intact.
- Go to menu [用户定义媒体设置]
- Export the database [数库导出]. Take note of the import file name.
- Install the debug apk
- Import the previously save text file into the database [数库导入]
[20230413] hymnchtv UI design & Implementation
{ Content }
In hymnchtv UI design, user interaction with the application uses mainly android device touch
screen and gestures to navigate or access to other menu. Generally hymnchtv uses the following gestures and click
actions to access to other part of the menus.
- Pull Down Menu: Each menu is usually contains other user selectable options. These options are
accessed via tool icons shown in the navigation bar, or pull down for menu overflow options. On some older
android device, there is a dedicated Menu button.
- Context Menu: All hymnchtv context menus are accessed via long click/press on the item. Long press on
hymn content will pop up the context menu e.g. to show/hide the media player ui.
- ViewPager: hymnchtv uses android ViewPager concept to present user selected hymn content for display.
User slides up/down to place hymn score or lyrics into screen view area; or left/right to access to other hymn
number contents of the similar category.
Slide between fragments using ViewPager
[20241129] hymnchtv main user interface
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This is the main hymnchtv UI that is shown when user launches the hymnchtv application. From
the main UI, you have accessed to all the hymnchtv features implementation, pop-up menu and the main pull down options menu.
- Hymn Selection: User enters the required hymn number using the numerical and 附/fu buttons if
applicable. Then select the HymnType i.e. [大本|补充|青年|新诗|新颂|儿诗|英文] to enter the hymn lyrics
display and media playback UI page. Long press the 青年 button for alternate hymn number. If there is no
lyrics being displayed, select 教唱 option for playback. This will redirect you to a web page that
contains the hymn score for the selected hymnNo.
When user selects the 英文 button, the entered hymnNo is treated as English Hymn number. The app
will search and display the corresponding Chinese Hymn UI, and start fetching its corresponding English lyrics.
- 输入诗歌编号⬇: If user clicks on this field title, a list of most recent user selected hymns
are displayed.
- 附 Fu: Supplement song titles are only available in 大本诗歌 and 青年诗歌. Press 附
follows by number; then press 大本 or 青年. to display the selected hymn lyrics.
- Del: Press to Del button to erase the number entry, before enter a new hymn number.
- 目录 Hymn Categories: The user desired hymn title can also be entered via the Hymn Category spinner options.
Every HymnType/HymnNo are sub-categorised according to:
- 诗歌类别: Hymn content categories as per the recovery hymn books;
- 笔画索引: The number of strokes of the first Chinese Simplified character in the hymn title;
- 拼音索引: The first alphabet letter of the hymn title first character's PinYin;
- 英中对照: Cross reference table from English to Chinese hymn number.
- 内容搜索: Hymn Content Search: Allow searching the contents for all the HymnType with the search string
entered by the user. Hymnchtv supports only search string in Simplified Chinese. All user entered Traditional
Chinese will automatically be converted to Simplified Chinese before searching start. For special character
i.e. ‘祂’, user can input ‘他’, then long press the Content Search button to convert ‘他’➡‘祂’.
- 点击更新程序: Hymnchtv automatically check for any new update in background at regular interval. When a new
hymnchtv app version is found and available for update, this button is made visible and its text flashes. User
may then click on the button to proceed with the new hymnchtv version update.
Main UI pull down menu
The main UI pull down menu is accessed via the overflow icon on the top-right corner of the
main UI. It contains the following user selectable options:
- 应用界面主题: Hymnchtv supports both Theme.DARK and Theme.LIGHT, including WebView theme update
- 应用界面语言: Hymnchtv supports both 简体中文 and English locales for its UI.
- 主界面壁纸: This option allows user to select one of the 15 hymnchtv predefined images to use as the
main UI wallpaper. The sub-menu also contains the option to allow user to define and use own image as the
wallpaper. Watch demo video for details..
- 设置主面版字体颜色: The main UI font color can be changed via this option; there are 8 predefined colors
for user selection.
- 设置主面版文字大小: The main UI font size can be changed via this option; there are 4 predefined sizes i.e.
小 (30sp); 默认 (35sp); 大 (40sp); 超大 (45sp); and 加大/减小 +2/-2 of the current set font size for user selection.
- 用户定义媒体设置: User defined media configuration setup. See below for details.
- 安卓权限设置: Access to android application settings to grant Hymnchtv the required permissions for
it to operate properly.
- 网上帮助: Click on this option will display this online help page.
- 关于: About the basic info of the hymnchtv, including installed apk version, history log,
app bug report and check for new update.
- 退出: This will closed the hymnchtv app and exit. The BackKey only close the main UI.
Hymn Category and
Content Search result display
{ Content }
Below shows the various windows display results for each of the user selected
Hymn Category and Content Search entry. User may click to select any of the listed items in the
display to enter into the hymn lyrics/media UI page directly.
[20240517] Hymn lyrics and media player UI interface
{ Content }
The image on the right shows the hymn content display UI after user has selected
the desired HymnNo and HymnType. The window displays the actual hymn lyrics score, and the lyrics text just below
it. User scrolls up/down to bring the score or text into viewing area. To view the previous or next hymn info, user
slides left or right. The hymn info displays in the media player UI will change according to the user selected HymnNo.
Long press within the lyrics display area will popup the context menu with options as follows:
- 默认显示播放条: Always shows the Media Player UI interface by default on entry to lyrics UI.
- 默认隐藏播放条: Always hides the Media Player UI interface by default on entry to lyrics UI.
- 显示/隐藏播放条: Toggle to show/hide the Media Player UI interface. The selected mode is only valid
for the current lyrics view sessions until return to main page.
- 歌词文字加大: Click to increase the lyrics font size. New font size setting is saved, using seperate
settings for both portrait and landscape modes. The settings is globally applicable to all other hymnn titles.
- 歌词文字减小: Click to decrease the lyrics font size. New font size setting is saved, using seperate
settings for both portrait and landscape modes. The settings is globally applicable to all other hymnn titles.
- 在线英文歌词: This option is available only if the user selected HymnNo has an associated lyrics in English.
Click on this option item opens the web page linked to the English lyrics. Press BackKey to go back.
- 英文歌词删除: This option is available only if the English lyrics is currently being shown. Select this
option item if you found that the displayed English lyrics is incorrect. The action will purged the saved
English lyrics recored in the database.
- 分享歌词…: You can share the lyrics currently in view via social chat app e.g. Whatsapp with your
friend by clicking on this option. Both the Chinese lyrics text and lyrics score are shared.
- 帮助: Click on this option item, hymnchtv will display the help content for:
Hymn media player UI interface, control and playback operations
- 主页: Returns user to the hymnchtv main UI page, or the Hymn Category selection page.
you may copy text displays in lyrics text content. To do this, double clicks on the desired text location;
adust the text cursors and then select copy option. This option is also available during the hymn content search.
[20240517] Chinese Simplified, Traditional or English lyrics selection
{ Content }
The image on the right shows the hymn lyrics display page after user has selected
the desired HymnNo and HymnType. On entry, this window displays the lyrics text in Chinese Simplified
by default, or the last user selected mode. Using the two available option buttons near the top of the
lyrics text window, user may choose to toggle the displayed lyrics to Chinese Simplified, Traditional
or English. If the English lyrics fetching failed and cannot be displayed in the current lyrics text
window, the context menu has a clickable
在线英文歌词 option for user to launch an external web
browser for English lyrics view.
- 中文⬌英文歌词: Click this button to display English lyrics. The English lyrics content is fetched
from a predefined online site, or from the local database if it has been fetched previsouly. The button click
action will toggle between Chinse and English lyrics for display.
- 简体⬌繁体歌词: Short click on the button, will toggle lyrics display between Chinese
Simplified and Traditional.
Long press on this button pop-up a sub-menu as shown on the right i.e. 字词转换标准表. The option menu
allows user to select the final conversion type for Traditional Chinese lyrics display:
- 简体到繁体: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Standard).
- 简体到香港繁体: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard).
- 简体到台湾正体: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard)
- 简体到台湾正体,并转换为台湾常用词汇: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) with Taiwanese idiom.
Once user has confirmed the selected Chinese Traditional conversion type, it will be used for all subsequent
Tradtional Chinese lyrics display until the next conversion type changes by user.
[20240523] Hymn media player UI interface, control and playback operations
{ Content }
Beside displaying the hymn lyrics of the user selected HymnNo, Hymnchtv supports
playback the media associated with any of the four option buttons i.e. 媒体, 教唱, 唱诗
and 伴奏 of the current selected HymnNo. The media content for playback may include local stored
video & audio files, or media URL for youtube or other internet link added via 搜索 or media
configure UI. Pending the media content, Hymnchtv automatically selects the correct player used for
playback; it can either be android built-in media player (midi), media3-exoplayer, or youtube player
as shown on the right. When a device is placed in landscape mode, the current video playback UI
will enlarge and overlap the lyrics UI behind. Click the hide_screen button i.e.
to reveal the lyrics behind. Press the BackKey to show the video playback UI again. If you press
the BackKey while the player UI is visible, the playback will stop. This hide_screen
option is currently available only for youtube player.
Each hymn media radio button also provides the availability staus/indication of the associated media content for
playback. The button text is greyed when there is no associated media content for playback.
- 媒体: User defined media contents; usually use for media url for youtube or other internet
link shared via media configure UI.
Long Press on this button will show the QQ main page.
- 教唱: Hymn singing along lesson. Currently this is mainly used to access the Notion url
link for the available HymnType. When user clicks the button while the text is greyed out i.e.
no defined url link; hymnchtv will display a Notion page for the current selected hymnType. User
can then search the required hymn title/link for display and playback. User may share and save the
found url link into hymn database, use this url instead for future playback.
Long Press on this button will show the Notion main page. This may use to overwrite
any invalid link previously saved in the database.
- 唱诗: Usually for local hymns media content file saved by user, previoulsy downloaded via
hymnchtv pre-defined site, or an associated url link in DB for playback.
- 伴奏: Hymn accompany music only media playback. The playback media can either be from the embedded
midi files or downloaded from the predefined site. The local saved file can be any other media type instead of
the *.mid.
- 搜索: Search the relevant media info based on the user selected HymnType/MediaType/HymnNo,
as per the button actions described below. You may then navigate to the displayed web page, select
the desired media item to playback. User may proceed to share and save the url link in hymnchtv DB
for later retrieval. When an url link is shared via this approach, hymnchtv auto fill all the
诗歌类别, 诗歌编号, 媒体类型 and 附歌 entries, ease user in creating a new record.
See User defined media configuration. for other method in url sharing.
- Single Tap to perform hymn info search via
- Long Press to perform hymn info search via
- Repeat/Loop Count: Disable/Enable repeat playback with user defined loop count.
- Playback speed: Variable playback speed. The available playback speed varies from 0.6x~1.4x of the
original hymn tempo. This setting applies to all the playback media and all players.
For hymn media playback: user first selects the required mediaType, the desired repeat/loop count and the playback
speed; then followed by:
a. Click the play button to start;
b. Click again to pause the playback;
c. Click again to resume playback;
d. Long click to stop the playback and return to beginning of the hymn media.
User may slide left/right to a different hymnNo lyrics while the hymn playback is in progress.
The current playing hymn will continue until the end, without any disruption. If user wants to play the newly
selected hymnNo, he/she must manually stop the playback, or wait until the current hymn playback ends. The media
player UI info will then be updated to the user newly selected when playback ended.
When the 唱诗 option is selected via user action or auto-filtered fallback mode for
playback, if hymnchtv cannot find the required defined media url link, or file in the local directory for the
playback; it will attempt to download the required media content from a predefined url link location. This is
currently set to "" and "". The playback will start
when the medium content downloading is completed. The downloading process will only perform once for each of the
selected hymnNo; the downloaded media files are stored in the local storage for next time use.
If the user closes the current downloading UI by click the X, the downloading process
will continue in background until completion. User may select another media type to playback; only returns to the
the downloading hymn when it has completed.
[20241129] Hymn media storage and selection algorithm for playback
{ Content }
The image on the right shows the directory structure for hymnchtv, where all the media
files for each of the HymnType and MediaType, either downloaded or added by user are saved to. The main hymnchtv
directory are placed below the android Download directory on the intenal storage. Each of the hymnchtv sub-directoy
gets created whenever user initiates playback the respective HymnType/MediaType on the very first instance.
- hymn_bb: 补充本 HymnType sub-directory
- hymn_db: 大本诗歌 HymnType sub-directory
- hymn_er: 儿童诗歌 HymnType sub-directory
- hymn_xb: 新歌颂咏 HymnType sub-directory
- hymn_xg: 新诗歌本 HymnType sub-directory
- hymn_yb: 青年诗歌 HymnType sub-directory
- import_export: A directory where all the generated export files are saved to. User is responsible
to upkeep this directory. A copy of the user selected external export/import file will also be kept here.
- logs: A directory where all the user reported hymnchtv debug are logged.
- tmp: A temporary directory location to keep user selected hymnchtv media files during user defined
media configuration. All files are deleted after user committed the changes.
- wallpaper: A directory where all the user defined wallpaper are kept
Under each of the HymnType directories, it contains the sub-directories for each of the four hymnchtv MediaTypes
as listed below. All the media files in these locations may be downloaded automatically by hymnchtv from the
predefined site location e.g., or added in by the user during user defined media
configuration 用户定义的媒体内容 process.
- media_banzou: 伴奏 MediaType sub-directory; the 伴奏 playback will use either the app embedded midi
files, or downloaded accompaniment music in this directory if available.
- media_changshi: 唱诗 MediaType sub-directory; containing the downloaded media files for the 唱诗 playback.
- media_jiachang: 教唱 MediaType sub-directory; containing the downloaded media files for the 教唱 playback.
- media_media: 媒体 MediaType sub-directory; saving location for the media files added in by user
Media content selection process for playback
When user clicks the play button to playback the selected HymnType/MediaType media;
hymnchtv uses the following process to select the actual media content for playback.
- Starting with the current selected HymnType/MediaType e.g. 媒体, it checks the database for a user
defined media record, and uses the specified media url link for playback if found; else
- It proceeds to check for a local media file in the current selected HymnType/MediaType sub-directory; start
the playback if a media file is found.
- If neither of the above attempts yield the required media url or file for playback; starting from left
to right in the order of [媒体|教唱|唱诗] radio buttons layout, it continues the same search process
i.e. steps #1 and #2 are repeated with the next in line MediaType as fallback. If none is found for 唱诗,
it will then attempt to download from the pre-defined internet site for a media content to playback.
Note: The defined media url link in DB has higher priority, and shadow the local stored media file in the
selection process for playback. If desire, user may delete the previous defined media url in DB via the
User define media configuration method, so the local stored media file is used for playback instead.
[20241129] User defined media configuration
{ Content }
Hymnchtv allows user to define a given media content playback to be associated with a
HymnType/MediaType/HymnNo. The shared media content can either be a local saved medium file, an url link of an
online audio/video media address, including the youtube shared link. The url link can also be a downloadable link
of an audio/video media, which can either be in mp4, mp3 or midi format. Hymnchtv supports both the video and
audio media playback using its internal defined player.
Below explain the various UI parameter field usages for the user desired media file association.
- 诗歌类别: Using this spinner in the UI, user selects the associate HymnType i.e.
[大本诗歌|补充本|新歌颂咏|新诗歌本|青年诗歌|儿童诗歌] for the defined media content.
- 媒体类型: The spinner contains the following items for selection i.e. [媒体|教唱|唱诗|伴奏].
The primarily intent for each MediaType is meant for youtube url link, Notion/QQ link, local audio media file,
and hymn musical instrument accompany respectively. However user may redefine and associate them with other
media contents.
- 诗歌编号: Hymn number entry field; check the 附歌 option if applicable.
- 媒体链接: Contain the associate online media content url link to be saved for the specified
HymnType/MediaType/HymnNo. The text is highlighted in RED if there is an existing media record
specified in DB, or an associate local media content file is found.
After user has entered all the required hymn info, and if none is being specified in
this field, hymnchtv automatically fills the entry with the existing media record url link in DB,
or an assciated local media content file if found.
- 加添: Click the button to add/save the media record into the database. This newly added
media content pointed to by the url will be used for the playback when user selects its associated
hymn data i.e. HymnType/MediaType/HymnNo in the lyrics display window. User is alerted if the saving
of the new media record will overwrite an existing media record in DB or a local media content file.
- 删除: Use this button to delete media record that is no further required. If you re-assign/move a medium
content to a different HymnType, user must perform the re-assignment, then followed by a deletion of the old media
record of the previous HymnType manually; else the old media record will remain in the old HymnType database.
This is not necessary if you are just modified the HymnNo of a media record within the same HymnType category.
Warnig: When "delete local media content" option is selected, local media content file if any
will also be purged.
- 播放: After you have saved the new media record, or selected an item from the media record list; click
the 播放 button to play the media content. The playback will be in the hymn score content window for user
- 退出: Click the 退出 button to close the media record listing window, or exit the user defined media
configuration setup.
Please use the steps described below to associate a user defined media content i.e. url or local media file with
a given HymnType/MediaType/HymnNo.
#1. Local media file association
It is not necessary to create a media record entry in the DB to associate a local media content file, instead use
the steps described below to achieve the required result.
- First decide which HymnType/MediaType the media content files should be associated with.
- Ensure all the media file name contain the HymnNo; optionally prefix with [D|B|Y|X|C] for easy
HymnType identification for 大本诗歌, 补充本, 青年诗歌, 新诗歌, 新歌颂咏 and 儿童诗歌 respectively.
Following are good examples in naming the files i.e. D1009.mp3, B1开口赞美.mp4, B326是你的爱.mp3, B435惟夸荣耀十架.mid,
X156一件美事.mp3, C101我们小孩现在都来.mp3.
- Copy all the media files of the specific hymnType/MediaType to your android device storage location. For
hymnchtv to discover the correct media file and use it for playback, it is necessary that the files save
location is the Hymnchtv pre-defined HymnType/MediaType sub-directory
- With these naming convention and correct storage location, hymnchtv can perform the auto selection process as
defined earlier, in fetching the correct local media file for the user defined HymnType/MediaType/HymnNo to playback.
If you have performed the above process correctly, the local media file path should appear in the media url link
in the User defined media configuration, after all the hymn info i.e. HumnType/MediaType/HymnNo are entered.
Please check and verfy that you have granted permission to hymnchtv to access the media content files,
otherwise the saved media content files are not visible to hymnchtv.
#2. Youtube url link association (demo video)
Below gives detailed descriptions on how to associate each type of the content sources i.e. medium from youtube
site, or a linked item from website. Please refer to
搜索 for a simpler and better
approach to perform the same task.
- Launch the youtube app; find the desired youtube media link to be associated with.
- Select and start the youtube media item playback.
- Click on the youtube Share option. This should be available just below the media player UI.
- Android launches the Share sheet UI as shown on the right; it presents all the applications that
support android Share object.
Note: Some android browsers may not list all the share applications e.g. Chrome; Just clear the android app
default and select another web browser that supports the full file sharing.
- Click on the hymnchtv app icon in the android share sheet UI.
- The hymnchtv user media config window will be opened with the required youtube url link pasted in
媒体链接 media url link field.
- Proceed to select i.e. HymnType/MediaType, and input all the other required hymn info fields in the media
configuration window i.e. HymnNo/Fu etc to associate with the newly added youtube url link.
- Click the 加添 button to add/save the url link into the database for later playback.
Note: The media url link text will be highlighted in RED if the newly entered url link overwrite a media
record url link in DB or overshadow a local media file.
#3. Normal web media content url link association
- Using a browser e.g. Google, open the site where your desired media content reside.
- Click and hold on the desired item object; a pop up window appears showing all the available options for
the selected item.
- If the option Share link is available; just select this option. Then the rest of the operations will
be exactly the same as youtube url share operation.
- If the option Share link is not available, then select Copy link to save a copy in the
android clipboard.
- Lauch hymnchtv app, then goes to User media configuration page.
- Long click on the 媒体链接 field entry, and select Paste option.
- If the pasted link is safe url encoded; it may contain unreadable charaters e.g. %xx. Just click the
and the url link is decoded to human readable character. You need to toggle back to url encoded link for
url path editing if desired.
- Proceed to select and input all other fields in the media configuration window
i.e. HymnType/MediaType/HymnNo etc to associate with the added web url link.
- Click the 加添 button to add/save the url link into the database.
#4. Online media downloadable url link association
- Using a browser open the site where the desired downloadable media contents reside.
- Right click on the desired item object; a pop up window appears showing all the available options for
the selected item.
- Select Copy link address to save a copy of the audio media link in the android clipboard.
e.g. downloadable url address:
- Lauch hymnchtv app, then goes to User media configuration page.
- Long click on the 媒体链接 field entry, and select Paste option.
- Proceed to select and input all other fields in the media configuration window
i.e. HymnType/MediaType/HymnNo etc to associate with the added web url link.
- Click the 加添 button to add/save the url link into the database.
#5. Hymnchtv shared media record association
Hymnchtv supports the sharing of the saved media record with others. The shared media record
can either contains a local copy of the media file and an url link, or just an url link. Both of these cases are
shown in the image of the recipient device on the right.
- # For url link sharing without an actual media content:
- If your chat application supports text sharing, just share the text with hymnchtv. All the steps described
below are not required.
- If text sharing is not supported by your chat app, then copy the whole text string of the link. e.g.
- Lauch hymnchtv app, then goes to User media configuration page.
- Long click on the 媒体链接 field entry, and select Paste option.
- Click the 加添 button to add/save the url link into the database.
- # For url link sharing with an actual media content:
- Downlaod and save a copy of the received media content in the location as given in the shared
url link e.g. Download/hymnchtv/hymn_bb/media_media/; change the filename if necessary so it
contains the hymnNo. i.e. ChHymns-0134.mp3.
This button allows
user to share the media contents with other. The share with item can be an exported text file indicated in the
数据库导入文件 entry field; a single media record selected and shown in the entry fields, and the local
media file of the shared link if applicable. Due to android share security, user needs to select the recipient twice for
sharing of a url link and the actual media content if applicable.
when user clicks
on this icon, hymnchtv will display this help content.
[20240618] User defined media database configuration
{ Content }
Note: After a new hymnchtv version is installed, updated, or when there is a new version
of asset file i.e. url_import.txt is found and available online, its database media records are updated with the
new records from the asset file. However all the user old media records in the databse, if any will be left untouched.
A duplicated copy of the asset file is created and saved in the "./import_export/url_import-<timeStamp>.txt".
User may refer to this file at a later time, make any neccessary changes if necessary, then import its contents
with 覆盖现有记录 option checked if so desire.
Hymnchtv has implemented methods to ease managing the user defined media records in database.
All the user defined media configurations are stored in the hymnchtv internal database as media records. The
included functions provided allow the user to update or share his media contents in the database with others
using the options described below:
- NQ⬇: Short click this button to retrieve all the Notion hymn media url links and saved
them in the database; the media records are accessed via 教唱 button for playback.
Note: For Notion url links to retrieve successfully, ensure your device network connection is fast and
stable, preferably connected via home WiFi network. Hymnchtv will stop all url access if the process is not
completed within 7.5 mins.
Long press this button to create all the QQ hymn info links in the database; access via 教唱
button for playback. Some of the QQ links are currently being blocked by the service provider for user access.
Note: Both the Notion and QQ url fetching process is carried out in backgroud, and take some time
pending on the network condition. However the user may continue to use the app while the processs is
running in the background. You should not exit hymnchtv app while the process is in progress.
Actually user need not to perform this action as most of the QQ and Notion url links have areadly been included
in the asset file for import during app installtion. If there is any undefined Notion url link, user can select
the greyed 教唱 option button while in hymn info display page. User can then manually add the new Notion
url linke if available.
- 数库导入: Short click to import all the media record contents as defined in the user selected
import txt file into the hymnchtv database. Each media record will be saved in the respective database per
the defined HymnType of the media record. See 覆盖现有记录 associates with this process.
Long press to import the app predefined url links from an internal hymnchtv asset file. User should use
this option in preference of the NQ⬇, using the later only for the site new update if any.
If you have not performed any manual update to the media record previously, you should perform this operation
with the 覆盖现有记录 option checked, so your database is updated with the app asset file content.
- 覆盖现有记录: Check this option if you want hymnchtv to overwrite any existing media record in the
database during the database import 数库导入, and NQ⬇ download process.
- 数库导出: Click this option button to export all the four defined HymnType's media records
that contain only the 网页链接 links. This url link-only file is shared with others without the need to
transfer the actual media files. The exported file is saved in the hymnchtv pre-defined directory
e.g. Download/hymnchtv/import_export/hymn_link-20240606_142504.txt. The format of the filename is
hymn_link-<timestamp>.txt, where the timestamp format is "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS".
- 数库列项: Select this option to show a list of all the media records saved in the database. The list
shows only the media records for the user currently selected HymnType. The UI heading shows the number of
records in the database. Scroll up/down to see all the media records. Click on any of the record items, its
media record info will be updated to the media record fields. User may proceed to edit/update or delete the
media record in the database. Click the 退出 button to close the media record list view window.
Use the Folder explorer to select the text file for import the media records into the database. After selected
the desired import file, and on returning to media configuration page; the selected text file will be
displayed in a RichText Editor for viewing. User may make any necessary changes if desired before import its
content into the database.
- When user clicks
on this icon while there is a valid text filename entry in the 数据库导入文件 field, hymnchtv launches the
RichText editor with the file content inserted for editing.
When the user has peformed one of the 数库导出 operations, the generated text filepath is shown in the
数据库导入文件 field, and the RichText Editor is launched with the generated file content inserted for
- When user
clicks on this icon, hymnchtv will playback two demo media for user defined media configuration setup i.e.
android share sheet from a youtube link, and auto create import file (no further supported since v2.4.0) from
media contents stored in the local hymnchtv media directory.
Export file media record string format:
Each media record string is consisted of the following parameters separated by commas:
- HymnType: This is the hymnType with possible values of [hymn_db|hymn_bb|hymn_xb|hymn_er].
Note the text are in lower case.
- HymnNo: The associated hymnNo for the given HymnType's media content. For 大本诗歌附歌 (Fu), the actual
hymnNo stored in database starts with 781 for 附1 respectively, this is shown in the exported file above.
User however may use '1' for 附1 when creating the export file. Hymnchtv can accept either one.
- Fu: 大本诗歌附歌 flag; Set this to '1' if the hymnNo denotes 附歌 else set it to '0' e.g.:
hymn_db,781,1,HYMN_MEDIA,null,/storage/emulated /0/Download/hymnchtv/hymn_db/media_media/ChHymns-c001.mp3
- MediaType: The hymn mediaType with all the possible string text values specified in upper case i.e.:
- Media Url: This parameter specifies the actual web/youtube url link. Otherwise it is set to null if the
associated media content is a local media file. e.g.:
- Media FilePath: This parameter specifies the full path for the local stored medium file. This field should
be set to 'null' if the media content is referring to an url link. e.g.:
hymn_db,616,0,HYMN_MEDIA,null,/storage/emulated /0/Download/hymnchtv/hymn_db/media_media /ChHymns-0616.mp3